Kristoffer Zeiner (NO)
Kristoffer Zeiner (b. 1987) holds a BA in Interior Architecture from the Oslo Academy of the Arts, and an MA from the Sandberg Institute in Amsterdam, where he lives and works. Zeiner runs the projectspace Reneenee in Amsterdam.
His works are shown in galleries and exhibition venues around Europe but mainly in the Netherlands: Gallery Juliet Jongma (NL 2017), Bologna (NL 2017,2018, 2020), Gallery Heerz Tooya (BL 2019), TAM (BL 2019), ClapTrap (BE 2020), Still Making Art (NL 2020), Reneenee (NL 2020).
Hulias Cantina: Mellom fjellene og himmelen / Tra le montagne e il cielo
Ada Nilsen (NO)
Kristian Engelsen (NO)
Aksel Ree (NO)
Hedda Hørran (NO)
Marthin Espeland (NO)
Lars Nordby (NO)
Kaare Ruud (NO)
Mia Van Veen (NO)
Kristoffer Zeiner (NO)
Isak Wisløff (NO)
Jørn Aagaard (NO)
Øyvind Bast (NO)


Kristoffer Zeiner
Brochure (2023)
Charcoal, oil and acrylic paint on linen canvas, wood
125 × 55 cm


Kristoffer Zeiner
Mudskipper 1 (2021)
88% bronze, 12% corn starch.
16 × 19 × 7 cm

Kristoffer Zeiner
Mudskipper 2 (2021)
88% bronze, 12% corn starch.
13.5 × 24 × 7 cm

Kristoffer Zeiner
Mudskipper 3 (2021)
88% bronze, 12% corn starch.
11.5 × 18 × 7 cm

Kristoffer Zeiner
Mudskipper 4 (2021)
88% bronze, 12% corn starch.
11.5 × 20 × 6 cm

Kristoffer Zeiner
Mudskipper 5 (2021)
88% bronze, 12% corn starch.
11.5 × 20 × 6 cm

Kristoffer Zeiner
Mudskipper 6 (2021)
88% bronze, 12% corn starch.
13.5 × 22 × 7 cm

Kristoffer Zeiner
Mudskipper 7 (2021)
88% bronze, 12% corn starch.
13.5 × 21.5 × 5 cm

Kristoffer Zeiner
Eat Your Friends (2021)
88% bronze, 12% corn starch, pine wood.
30 × 27 × 30 cm